Sep 23 day 23 Auckland 0 km, Zero Day
Was strange waking and not walking. Instead I strolled to a coffee shop for a day of healing and rest. Given all the isolation of the last weeks, for some reason, I still want quiet and privacy here. Just peace without motion. I’ve started to put sugar in my coffee, I think in an attempt to take in more calories– not sure how much weight I’ve dropped, but it is a fair amount already, so today is a day of high calorie meals. Started cold with clouds and rain, but the sun kept trying to come out. In many ways, I did not care. My day was to be spent in the great indoors, but still, the possibility of relaxing in the warm sun was alluring. Of course my peace was interrupted by technology failure. My iPhone died. Fortunately it was under warranty and I was in a city that could replace it, but it did require a hike over to the repair place and at least another day here waiting for replacement. Well, if it was going to fail, I’m glad it did now and not out in the bush three weeks from a city.